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Chickens crossing the road, Belize Travel Photography

Belize Travel Photography, "Chickens crossing the road" in Dangirga, Belize. Medium sized town and boat landing for travel to Tobacco Caye in Belize. This is where I took Captain Doggie's boat, about 14 foot outboard motor. Captan Doggie was even listed in the Guide book. I only stayed one night in Dangriga, the food at the stalls was great, and like everywhere else in Belize the people were nice. I love the bright colors the people like to paint their structures. I also loved that it did not feel over populated.

I was fortunate enough to spend 5 weeks in Belize a couple of years back. What an amazing country. The people where nice, traveling there was easy, the country is magnificent, the islands were fabulous. Belize is a small country (about half the size of California), small enough that I felt like I had a really good feel for the entire country in five weeks.

Location: Dangriga, Belize.